dreams of the sea, caught way inland . . .


A journal of my dreams.


Soon I can put in my spiky half-hoop earrings! Yay!

I set up the slideshow I mentioned in the previous entry to preload images, so load time is cut drastically. Double go me.

Yesterday, as I was driving home through the industrial section of Lincoln, a blonde in a red car sped by me and flipped me off! For no reason that I can recall. It made me so mad. I wanted to ram her car, but settled for the knowledge that she was ass ugly.

And a few days ago, when driving, I saw a horse with a hard-on. Somehow I found that worthy of mention. I've never seen it before, aside from in the weird porns Joey amasses.

Why are rolling stops illegal? If you can make a rolling stop, chances are there's nothing coming, so why make a full stop? To admire the scenery?

There was a cop on my ass all the way from Fredericton to work. Argh.

Melissa's birthday party is Saturday. I'm excited, but nervous too. Excited to see Misty and Melissa and have nachos and fun. Nervous about seeing "Jive," my old... er, former friend that pissed me off several times too many. I want to dress up and look so much hotter than her. Also, she has a habit of smash-mouthing Adam, and I've made Melissa agree to not letting her do this.

The new Smackdown game comes out this month, I'm told. (wants)

Meh, I'm off. My site desperately needs updates, and there are a few work projects I could be poking away at.


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