dreams of the sea, caught way inland . . .


A journal of my dreams.


It feels like I haven't written here in awhile.

Adam, Willie, Ryan and I went to Joel's last night for wrestling for the first time in three weeks. We missed half of the show because basketball decided to bump it back an hour - rats. Joel's nephew Hunter, or "Barn," was there. That's one happy, hyper kid. It's cute to watch Joel interact with him. I love it when guys are good with kids.

I also got to see Joel's oldest brother, Todd (Hunter's dad), for the first time. Wow - everyone in Joel's family looks alike. He calls Hunter "Bug."

Joel's hair is still very blue. I like the colour on him, buuut, it does detract from the brightness of his blue eyes. I think jet black, perhaps with some colour throughout, would suit him well. Meanwhile, I think I will colour my own black again, sometime soon. It can go in right on top of my natural colour, so, no damage to my hair. I long for healthy hair again, and, it's getting there.

Adam and Willie got into a row, and I got pissy because them fighting was making things awkward for the group, plus Willie was spitting loud profanity and Hunter was a room away, so I yelled at them, called them children and told them to take their testosterone outside. They didn't. Willie claimed to be mad because Adam had smacked him in the head - apparently that bothers him more than being hit anywhere else - but Adam smacked him because, while in a play-fight with Ryan, Willie's head hit a plastic bag full of PS2 hardware and my Doritos bags, and a loud pop sounded, so Adam naturally thought something had broken, and he felt he needed to put a quick end to their foolish horsing around to assess the damage. Luckily, it had only been my Doritos bag. So I ate some and took the rest home for my fridge.

I played the Final Fantasy X-2 demo. I hate Active Mode battles! (Active Mode: The creatures can attack while you are. Wait Mode - what I prefer: The battle system is turn-based, meaning my slow, dumb ass has plenty of time to choose an appropriate attack, because the monster doesn't get to move until its turn. I know, you think, 'Screw that, Active is more realistic,' but it's hard, so poop to you.) Other than that, the demo was alright; though, the videos I've downloaded from the Net did more to hook me on the game.

I had another nightmare last night, but not about the usual. This one involved me being in a brick chamber with ominous words written on the walls, which were dripping with green slime. Also, my oldest brother Ian was killed by a drunk driver in it.

I hope to finish the Amulet Consulting website today. I'd better go get to work on that.


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