dreams of the sea, caught way inland . . .


A journal of my dreams.


I found the abortion clinic! I think. I drove by a bland, squarish, pinkish-white building this morning with a group of protestors assembled in front of it. Their signs were the basis of my assumption.

"Abortion Stops a Beating Heart"
"It's a Child - Not a Choice!"

For one thing, I wish they'd lay off on the cliché pity-them quotes.

Let's have a look at the first one. Abortion Stops a Beating Heart. Yeah, well, so does the vet when he sticks the fatal needle into your cancer-ridden dog. So does Jimbo Smith at the slaughterhouse making $10.50 an hour for cutting the head off your KFC. I believe I've rendered this one irrelevant, unless these protestors are vegetarians, which I highly doubt considering they all looked like they enjoy their fair share of Big Macs.

It's a Child - Not a Choice! Sometimes, it isn't a child. Sometimes it's a couple of cells with less practical use that those in your brain that a drop of alcohol can kill, or a clump of tissue comparable to the red shit absorbed by tampons. Look at what an unborn baby does, without bias: it grows inside you, eats what you eat, skims your blood and feeds from your energy. And tries to kick your ass. (smiles) Much like (at the risk of seeming callous) a symbiote, a tapeworm, a leech - to seem a shred colder, a tumour. This is not to demean the life-form; it can't help what it is. But when its growth isn't welcome, humans will want it removed, like they would a malignant mole. For whatever reason, they don't think allowing it to fully form into a baby would be good. And I admit, there are some pretty shitty reasons for abortions. I do not by far agree with every abortion case. But, there would be no way to weed the good reasons from the bad, because if someone with a bad reason suspected they would be turned down, they would make up a different reason. If, for example, only rape cases were accepted, women who were not raped would lie that they were. What proof of rape would be required? If it were, even some rape cases would be unable to provide it.

Primarily, my opinion on abortion is that it's not my right to make the choice for anyone else, but that I ought to have the right to make the choice for myself. To be honest, I don't think I would have one. Maybe two or three years ago, but I am old, mature, and financially-stable enough now that most of my excuses are null and void.

DISCLAIMER:  This is my opinion. I expressed it rather peacefully, in my own online diary, which you clicked to on your own free will. I did not shove it down your throat, nor did I call you stupid for believing differently. Please keep that in mind.

Funny, I used to litter my diaries with rants, and now I'm hesitant to piss people off.

Adam just typoed Bible-humping. I fucking love it.


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