dreams of the sea, caught way inland . . .


A journal of my dreams.


Chiller font is good for Korn CD labels.

I felt so shitty today, despite getting to see Adam for a couple of hours. He cheered me up greatly, though, by a) understanding, b) not overreacting, and c) calling me his "perfect little babes." I usually feel tall and fat and gangly and disgusting, so to be referred to as "little" makes me feel small and cute. He always makes me smile at the least when he sniffs my face like a hyper puppy, damn him.

I think the only time I felt alright today was while he was here, and while I was with the kitties. We went to the mall for awhile, and I was sucked in by the kittens in the front of the pet store. I hate it when they mew - I want to kidnap them all, but I can't. I was also taken with a ton of puppies and rats and bunnies. Me love animals. I wanted them all. Adam will attest to the fact that it took him a long time to drag me out of that store. I was even fascinated by the icky hermit crabs, and their claws click-clicking on the glass walls of their tank.

I'm not down over anything in particular. Well, problems with Joel, but I think - I hope - I'm imagining those to be worse than they are. I blame the winter blues. Or holiday "depression." I've always gotten both quite persistently.

Tomorrow is Thursday, at least - yay! The night of friends, laughs, wrestling, Grand Theft Auto, Doritos, and yummy juice. I'm hoping that cheers me up some.

It's ten after eleven - time to call Adam and go to bed. I don't want to be up until three a.m. tonight, and miss work for the third day in a row.


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