dreams of the sea, caught way inland . . .


A journal of my dreams.


Argh... not feeling so good again today... not the usual, but... I don't know. Forgotten... ignored, perhaps. Although I recognize that he might feel the same.

I explain.

I tried to call Adam several times during our "usual" phone-time slot, and the line was busy. 99% sure that it couldn't be anything at the late hour but him and Tara talking, I fucked off. I hung up the phone, turned on the ringer, and put it down on my desk, thinking he'd just call me afterward. After several minutes, I started to get tired, and determined that he probably wouldn't call at all, much less while I was aware of my surroundings. So I shut off the ringer, turned off my lamp, and settled into bed, somewhat sadly. And I fell asleep, missing his voice. I'm used to a night in which we don't talk on the phone being such a rare thing, even in the time after we split.

I'm not angry... well, I don't know, maybe a little, but primarily, stupidly, just generally a little upset... forgotten, ignored, as I said. Pushed aside.

So what time should I call, to get ahold of you... or should I call at all? Do you want to talk, or listen, to me? If so, please call.... I'm never extremely busy, and Cole's not on Battlenet anymore. I'm not angry, just wondering.

I need a stress ball. I have a bunch in my drawers at home. I think I'll start carrying one with me, for times in which I feel hopeless and exasperated.

Go watch this. It's silly.


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