dreams of the sea, caught way inland . . .


A journal of my dreams.


Today, I've got to shower, and fix up my résumé. Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment at noon, after which I plan to apply for work at a few places I wouldn't mind working. Though I understand that at this stage of the game, I can't afford to be picky.

I've been craving to go skating lately. Recently, while cleaning my room, I found three skating badges I never got around to stitching onto my skate bag. I hope to get that done shortly, so I can show off my former prowess even more. I haven't been on skates in a few years, so I don't know if mine even fit anymore. Officer's Square, in the city, is iced over for skating, and I'd love to go skating smack in the middle of downtown in the dead of night, surrounded by bustle and glowing city lights. There's also an outdoor rink at Mactaquac that's the exact opposite - bigger, but so isolated - that I'd love to hit.

Adam's really suffering over something.... Well, I know part of his reasons, but I'm not sure that they account for all of his pain. He accused me of growing cold to him over the past couple of months, and I don't deny that I have. When he comes over, we just chilled out, playing videogames, watching TV, or surfing the Net, often in separate rooms. I did not know this bothered him the way it did, though - I just thought of it as our relationship shifting into that comfy, domestic stage, that comes right before or with lifelong commitment. I guess he didn't see it that way, but he hid his feelings, and oh so well.

Anyway, we've discussed it, and in an attempt to repair the damage I've done, I suggested that he spend fewer nights sleeping at my house. He seemed agreeable to this plan, as he's been spending entire weekends here. The theory is that less time together will make the relationship feel less constant, less domestic, and will cause us to cease taking each other's company for granted.

He was online earlier, because as I was noting the aforementioned diary entries, they were being edited. But he wasn't on any messengers, so I couldn't talk to him, to reassure myself that he's alright.

On another note, my weight has dropped to 125 lbs, down from 130 last week. I don't know if I've just been lax on eating due to my odd sleeping schedule, which causes me to miss two meals, or if I've been stressed, and subconsciously starving myself again. What concerns me most is that I think this has improved my look. I always talk of people being stupidly weight-obsessed, and preferring lovers with some extra softness, but I'm taking pride in probably looking like one of the stick women for whom I express disdain.

Joey mourns the loss of my "tummy pillow," but my brother still calls me fat. I know I'm not. At 5'9", I'm now actually at least ten pounds underweight. That should concern me more, I know it. It should concern me that it doesn't. I feel healthy, I feel fine. I guess that is what matters.

Sorry for all the lyrics. I've been on a Finger Eleven kick.


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