dreams of the sea, caught way inland . . .


A journal of my dreams.


Hello. I have not been here in awhile.

Adam and I ate too many Skittles earlier.

I found a note on his online journal from one of our friends, saying something like, "Don't worry, you and Emily are just going through a rough patch." It worries me - had he been talking with her about being unhappy with me? We have been fighting a lot lately... but, I tend to forget that fact when things are well again. Earlier tonight, he mentioned that we don't have much in common.... Movies, books, music, though. Those things don't matter to me. Our minds are on the same track when it comes to issues that are important to us. No matter how much a person likes Matthew Good, I won't think they're cool if they're homophobic, you know?

(sigh) Anyway. Moving on.

Joel seemed upset last night, so I sent him an e-card, a lame symbol of the fact that I care, and wish him happy. Taking in his recent sadness causes the same feeling in me. One rant, in particular, seems to crap all over himself, admitting that he's a nice guy, but what's the point, since he isn't being rewarded for it with love. I hope he realizes that he is perfect as who he is, and does not need to change. Joel is an absolute gem. (smiles) Besides, changing to gain people's attentions only works as long as you keep up the façade of the person you are acting as. Once you drop the act, anyone who was initially attracted to it is likely to miss the person you "were," and leave in search of another like that.

Eh, well.... Adam is playing a videogame right now, I'm going to plunk myself in front of it. Adios.


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