dreams of the sea, caught way inland . . .


A journal of my dreams.


Adam got a satellite dish. I don't know what that will mean for the future of our wrestling nights. Now, when he doesn't feel like going out, he doesn't have to miss the show, therefore, there's less motivation for him to leave the house (unless his crabby parents won't let him use the dish, because a show they want to watch is on - like stupid Survivor). He normally comes down here to watch Raw on Mondays, so I might lose those few hours of weekly time with him - not that there's any shortage of replacement hours.

He played a game of Risk on my PS2 this morning - it looks fun. I wanted to play a game of it with him last night before we went to bed, but he was too tired, and then, when he got his second wind and wanted to play, I was too tired. We played some other games (wink, wink), but I probably shouldn't have. I'm not sure, but I think I fell asleep in the middle of something important. I was really, really sluggy. I slept like a baby, though, until Adam made me get up at one this afternoon. He cheated, he sniffed me and pushed me and bothered me with cold hands. He was really cute, in a new white T-shirt, new big black pants, and scruffy hair. He said I was crazy to think so. He looks really good in white, I think. He offered to make me lunch, but I only wanted Golden Grahams with milk + strawberries.

I took the Xmas colours out of my hair. (sadness) I get sick of the holidays fast after Xmas day. The front pieces are hereby blonde again, meaning they'll probably stay that way for another long while. Also, I tried out my new Infusium leave-in conditioner - miracle stuff, that is!

I'm going to have to go back to work soon. I'd forgotten how sweet it felt to do whatever, whenever. I love staying up until four a.m., sleeping in until early afternoon, snacking and playing videogames all day. Me lazy, though I'm not so proud of that. Fortunately, my laziness isn't obvious by my appearance. But unfortunately, my current lifestyle is never going to make me any money, because this world isn't tailored to please me.


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